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December 2023 #30 - Top 40 for Mediterranean Influence Mogla Si - Kopa (track)
December 2023 #7 - Top 40 for Mediterranean Influence Balon Od ŠĆIK (track)
September 2023 #30 - Top 40 for Mediterranean Influence Balon Od ŠĆIK (track)
About: ŠĆIKE
About: Šćike from concert
Etno band Šćike nastao je 2007. godine. Osnovali su ga Dorijan Floričić, Zoran Karlić, Armin Poldrugovac i Masimo Fornažar, svirači i pjevači lokalnog istarskog Kulturno-umjetničkog društva 'Ivan Fonović Zlatela' iz Kršana. Koristeći stare istarske instrumente, pjesme, napjeve, način pjevanja i muziciranja, započeli su izvoditi pomalo zatvorenu istarsku glazbu na jedan življi i pristupačniji način. U bend su nakon snimljene prve akustične pjesme 'Bura' uključili i moderne instrumente, kako bi istarsku glazbu što više približili današnjem vremenu, te kako bi je uopće mogli izvoditi kao sastav jer se inače sastojala samo od vokala i po jednog ili dva instrumenta. Tako su tradicionalni istarski instrumenti sopile, mih, bajs, mišnjice, volarice, frula, violina, harmonika trieština dobili prateće, suvremene instrumente bas i električnu gitaru, bubnjeve, harmonike, djembe, udaraljke, klarinet, violinu i druge. Istarsko dvoglasno pjevanje i sviranje na istarskoj ljestvici upisano je i na UNESCO-v popis nematerijalne svjetske baštine u Europi, te time ovaj bend doprinosi očuvanju nematerijalne kulturne baštine Hrvatske i Istre. Šćike djeluju u sastavu: Zoran Karlić vokal, mih, roženice, sopile i dr., Dorijan Floričić vokal, bajs i harmonika, Moreno Marušić bubnjevi i udaraljke, Armin Poldrugovac bas gitara i vokal, Ratko Barać električna, akustična gitara i vokal, Masimo Fornažar harmonika trieština i šuškalice, te Milan Grbić violina i vokal.

Može se reći da su Šćike multinstrumentalna skupina svirača i pjevača na tradicionalnim istarskim glazbalima, istarskom versu (dijalektu) i starim napjevima koji su Šćikama baza za stvaranje. Potom stvaraju pjesme, koristeći razne glazbene stilove od reggae-a preko jazza, rocka, čak do heavy metala ali uz stalnu prisutnost istarskog tradicionalnog izričaja.

Šćike su krajem protekle 2013. godine izdale svoj prvi album pod nazivom 'Istriana Jones', čiji naziv vrlo dobro opisuje njihovu avanturu kroz tradicionalnu istarsku glazbu do današnjeg glazbenog izričaja. Album sadrži ukupno 11 skladbi, a može se nabaviti direktnim kontaktom s ovim bendom. Također, do sada su objavili i dva video spota za pjesme: 'Bura' i 'Zaspaj Pave' koji se mogu pogledati na YouTube kanalu Šćika.

Da je Etno band Šćike vrlo dobro prihvaćeni kako među domicilnim stanovništvom u rodnoj Istri, tako i među brojnim gostima njihova poluotoka, svjedoče i brojni nastupi. U protekle su dvije godine, otkada Šćike aktivno nastupaju, odsvirali preko 40 koncerata diljem Istre i susjednih zemalja, a uskoro će vjerojatno svirati i šire, jer istarsku glazbu i svu njezinu egzotiku, svijet tek treba upoznati.

Poslušajte Šćike na YouTube kanalu: 'Etno skupina Šćike' Kontakt: Facebook: 'Etno skupina Šćike' Telefon: 00385915059720; 0038598368493 e-mail:


Ethno band "Šćike" (The Wedges) was founded in 2007 by Dorijan Floričić, Zoran Karlić, Armin Poldrugovac, and Masimo Fornažar, who were and who still are players and singers of the local Istrian culture-artist's society "Ivan Fonović Zlatela" from Kršan. By using old Istrian instruments, songs, recitals, the way of singing and the way of playing, they started to perform not so much known Istrian traditional music in a cheerful and popular way. After recording their first song called "Bura" ("Wind", "Storm"), they started to use modern instruments in their songs and because of that this music could be performed by a band. Also, in that way, Istrian music became more accepted in these modern times because till now it was performed only by vocals and one or two instruments.

In that way, traditional Istrian instruments called sopile, mih, bajs, mišnjice, volarice, frula, violin, accordion, trieština got supported by modern instruments such as bass guitar, electric guitar, drums, accordions, djembes and other percussions, then clarinet, violin, and others. Istrian two-voice way of singing and playing on the Istrian traditional music scale is registered at UNESCO's list of non-material world heritage in Europe, so in this way, this band contributes to the preservation of non-material cultural heritage of Istria and Croatia.

The members of ethno band Šćike are: Zoran Karlić (vocals, mih, roženice, sopile, etc.), Dorijan Floričić (vocals, bajs, and accordion), Moreno Marušić (drums, percussion), Armin Poldrugovac (bass guitar and vocals), Ratko Barać (electric and electro-acoustic guitar, vocals), Masimo Fornažar (accordion trieština and percussion), and Milan Grbić (violin and vocals).

"Šćike" could be described as a group of multi-instrumental players and singers on traditional Istrian instruments, on the Istrian dialect, and old songs which "Šćike" use to create their new songs. In that way, they create songs by using different music styles like reggae, jazz, rock, and even heavy metal, with the constant presence of Istrian traditional expression.

At the end of 2013, "Šćike" issued their first album called "Istriana Jones" whose name exactly describes their adventure through traditional Istrian music. The album has eleven songs and you can get it by contacting the band. Also, till now they have issued two official videos for their songs "Bura" ("Wind", "Storm") and "Zaspaj Pave" ("Pave go to sleep") and you can see them on the Šćike YouTube channel.

Ethno band "Šćike" is very well accepted among the local population in their homeland Istria and among many guests of their peninsula, which can be seen during their concerts. In the past two years, "Šćike" have been very active and have played over forty concerts in Istria and nearby countries and soon they will probably play even wider, because the world still has to get acquainted with Istrian traditional music and all of its exotic features.

You can listen to "Šćike" on the YouTube channel: "Etno skupina Šćike"

Contact: Facebook: 'Etno band Šćike'

Phone: 00385915059720; 0038598368493

Personal Website