EthnoCloud Globe A Platform for World Music EthnoCloud Listening

About EthnoCloud

Ethnocloud is a World Music Platform for Artists, Labels, Agents, Event Organizers, Media, Educational Institutions and Music Lovers. We are based in Toronto, Canada.

Creating an account

Anyone can create an account on Ethnocloud for free.

Account types


Artists can create a profile, upload their tracks and videos, post events, write blogs and indicate where their music can be purchased. Artists can connect with Event Organizers and promote their music to an audience of World Music Lovers, Media and other Artists.

Label & Agents

Labels and Agents can create a profile for themselves and then add artists under their Label/Agent account. Once a Label/Agent creates an artist they can do anything that an artist can do - upload tracks and videos on behalf of their artist, post events, write blogs and indicate where their artist's music can be purchased. All artists that a Label/Agent creates will have their own artist pages, but the Label/Agent will be able to manage them through their Label/Agent account. Label/Agent can connect with Event Organizers and promote their artists' music to an audience of World Music Lovers and Media and other Artists.

Event Organizer

Event Organizers can create a profile and promote their events, post photos and write blogs. Event Organizers can also contact Artists and Labels for participation in their events.


Journalists, newspapers, magazines, blogs, forums and other media can create a profile and promote their work. Media can also write blogs and contact Artists and Labels.

Educational Institution

Educational institutions can create a profile and promote their programs via blogs, videos, events or paid advertisement. Educational institutions can also use Ethnocloud as a source of information for their students and as a tool for in-class demonstrations.

Music Lovers

Music Lovers can follow their favorite artists and discover new music. Music Lovers can also add videos, write blogs and buy music.

Sell your work on Ethnocloud

Artists can post links to websites where people can purchase their music.

Listening to music on Ethnocloud

Everyone can listen to music and watch videos on Ethnocloud for free.