EthnoCloud Globe From Cultural Roots to Fusion EthnoCloud Listening
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August 2023 #32 - Top 40 for West European Influence A Curuna (track)
November 2021 #29 - Top 40 for West European Influence A Curuna (track)
June 2021 #19 - Top 40 for West European Influence A Curuna (track)
Photo by: TOTO POSTO
About: Toto Posto
Photo by: TOTO POSTO
About: Toto
Photo by: TOTO POSTO
About: Peppe
Photo by: TOTO POSTO
About: Enzo
Photo by: TOTO POSTO
About: Toto Posto
Photo by: TOTO POSTO
About: Electric Spaghetti
The sound of Toto Posto is between tradition and modernity, between acoustic and electric. Typical instruments from Sicilian music, like the friscalettu, tamburim, and zampogna, mix with the VIP600 from the old and great Italian industry Farfisa, while electric percussion from the '80s gives groove.

Anthony "TOTO" Greco: vocals, guitars, chitarra battente, tamburim, zampogna

Pierre-Alexis Lavergne: Farfisa organs, Crumar organs, vocals

Vincent Brizoux: percussion, SPD20, vocals, kaval, tin whistle, saxophone

Le nouveau son du trio oscille entre tradition et modernité, entre acoustique et électrique. Les instruments typiques de la musique sicilienne tels que le friscalettu, le tambourin et la zampogna côtoient les orgues Farfisa qui furent la fierté de la facture électronique italienne des années 60 à 70. Le tout cadencé par des percussions électroniques.

Si les 2 cuivres d’Art Deco s’y mettent, plus rien ne les arrête!
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