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Photo by: Hiroshi Motofuji
About: Hiroshi Motofuji
Photo by: Hiroshi Motofuji
About: Hiroshi Motofuji
Photo by: Hiroshi Motofuji
About: Hiroshi Motofuji
Photo by: Hiroshi Motofuji
About: Hiroshi Motofuji
Hiroshi is the pioneer of a new style of taiko, a fusion of Japanese and Western music and instruments. With his outstanding technique, dynamic rhythm, and artistic quality, Hiroshi is widely acknowledged as one of Japan's premier taiko drummers who has performed extensively outside of Japan.

"His Taiko surpasses any top-class percussionist in the world" (Recensie Volkskrant 2004).

Hiroshi started playing the taiko drums at the age of 10. As a member of a local taiko group, he participated in many festivals all over Japan. At the age of 15, he joined Oedo Sukeroku Daiko, an internationally known taiko group based in Tokyo (Edo), touring in Japan and Europe. In 1992, he was given the title "Master of taiko" from Oedo Sukeroku Daiko and has worked actively as a performer and composer/arranger. From the mid-90s, he studied Edo Hayashi under a master of the Wakayama school, one style of Edo Hayashi. He also studied Korean percussion from a master.

In the late 1980s, he was a founding member of Musashi, the first rock band using Japanese traditional instruments. As the leader, composer, and arranger, he released two albums for the band. In 1998, Musashi toured the USA and South America. In 1999, Hiroshi formed a new taiko group called Da KT, together with Ajo and Noriaki Sekiguchi.

As a cutting-edge and urban taiko group, Da KT has toured internationally in Italy, Romania, Ukraine, and Russia. Most recently, Hiroshi has achieved note as a solo taiko performer. He is also featured on the soundtrack of the film Innocence, released in March 2004, one of the few animated films to be featured at the Cannes Film Festival.

In 2008, Hiroshi appeared at the Rainforest World Music Festival (RWMF) in Kuching and enticed the festival-goers with his outstanding technique, dynamic rhythm, and innovative spirit.

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