EthnoCloud Globe From Cultural Roots to Fusion EthnoCloud Listening
Since 1997, Roy Planalp has been the World Music Director and host of the weekly radio broadcast "Worlds of Music" at WUNH-91.3 FM on the campus of the University of New Hampshire in Durham, NH. "Worlds of Music" presents the traditional and contemporary sounds that can be found anywhere in the world. On the program, one may hear anything from anonymously recorded chants or work songs of an isolated or bygone culture to trip-hop or club sounds by urban expatriates where cultural boundaries are fuzzy.

Roy Planalp became interested in the music and dance of other cultures in 1982 as an international folk dancer at the Hearst Gym Friday night group at the University of California, Berkeley. His dancing activities continued at the Ashkenaz in Berkeley, Herwig Milde's group in Freiburg, Germany, and the Illini Folk Dancers in Champaign-Urbana, IL. Roy has been in the Southern New Hampshire/North Boston area since 1987, where he is active with traditional contra dance and international folk dance. During the day, he is a Professor of Chemistry at UNH.
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