EthnoCloud Globe From Cultural Roots to Fusion EthnoCloud Listening
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Photo by: Çiğdem Taştan
Photo by: Çiğdem Taştan
Photo by: Çiğdem Taştan
Çiğdem was born and grew up in Istanbul (13.12.1988). Her family is originally from Tokat City of Turkey, in the heart of Anatolia. As a child, Çiğdem became very interested in music. She participated in several different chorus groups throughout high school and college. Çiğdem also held several solo acts through Çanakkale 18 Mart University. Her interests with Balkan and ethnic music increased during her time at university, inspiring her to vocalize melodies from Mesopotamia to the Balkans.

Çiğdem has visited Kosovo, Albania, Bulgaria, Serbia, and Macedonia, broadening her knowledge of the culture behind the music. Çiğdem believes every language is a different color and her goal is to paint all of them into a rainbow.