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May 2024 #38 - Top 40 for Nordic & Baltic Influence En Körhärk - A Draught Gelding (track)
May 2024 #39 - Top 40 for Nordic & Baltic Influence Skellefte Stad - Skellefte Town (track)
March 2024 #40 - Top 40 for Nordic & Baltic Influence Silversparrarna - Silversparre A Sami Family (track)
Album Release - Nasafjäll Requiem We are "VästanVind Jojk" (West Wind Jojk), a duo from north Sweden that performs old yoik tradition in a new and unique expression. Ronald Vikström and Jonas Strandgård of "VästanVind Jojk" have recently initiated a project based on recordings of the Sami people, recordings originally done by Swedish Radio in 1953-54. The ...
Photo by: VästanVind Jojk
About: Jonas explains the difference between a jojk and a folk song
Photo by: VästanVind Jojk
About: Concert in Arvidsjau
Photo by: VästanVind Jojk
About: Ronald tells the story of Lapland
Photo by: VästanVind Jojk
About: Consert in Arjeplog
Photo by: VästanVind Jojk
Photo by: VästanVind Jojk
VästanVind Jojk" (West Wind Jojk), a duo from northern Sweden, performs the old jojk tradition in a new and unique expression.

Ronald Vikström and Jonas Strandgård of "VästanVind Jojk" have recently initiated a project based on recordings of the Sami people, originally done by Swedish Radio in 1953-54. The intention was to preserve and collect the Sami yoik tradition for new generations because they thought the jojk was dying. "VästanVind Jojk" performs joiks instrumentally from the archive in a new expression. The purpose is to carry on the tradition to new ears. "VästanVind Jojk" has also released the album Nasafjäll Requiem!

Ronald Vikström - Moog Liberation, Jonas Strandgård - Guitar

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/0t27WHJk7kkveej6sqisS4
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