A Platform for Ethnically and Culturally Inspired Music
Nayo Ulloa
United States
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September 2023 #22 - Top 40 for Latin American Influence Sikusaya (track)
May 2023 #30 - Top 40 for Latin American Influence Sikusaya (track)
March 2023 #36 - Top 40 for Latin American Influence Sikusaya (track)
Photo by: Nayo Ulloa
About: Nayo en La Peña, Berkeley California
Photo by: Nayo Ulloa
About: Nayo working on a project with Celso Duarte
Photo by: Nayo Ulloa
About: con el maestro Coco Linares en La Peña
Photo by: Nayo Ulloa
About: Nayo en La Peña, Berkeley California
Exotic in the first sense of the word, entertaining in every sense... Nayo switches with amazing rapidity from one unusual ethnic instrument to another. With equal virtuosity, he goes from the Charango to the Kena and to the Sikus... Nayo's exuberant Kena solos in the style of Benny Goodman and Artie Shaw brought an interesting touch of the '40s big-band style to the quartet."

The Record, Stockton, California, by Sherman Spencer

French world music magazine Ethnotempos calls his new CD Loma Prieta "Brilliantly performed!" This French-language review calls Nayo "one of the great Peruvian virtuosos of the Quena, the pre-Columbian recorder-like flute," and declares the recording "a fine mix of standards and original compositions... with many Andean folkloric pieces as well as more Latin numbers flavored with strains of samba and flamenco."

"PAY THE PIPER North Americans may have been first exposed to 'El Condor Pasa' thanks to Simon and Garfunkel, but until you've heard a virtuoso like Nayo Ulloa blow it on the Andean bamboo flutes, you've missed the real deal..."

San Francisco Bay Guardian
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