EthnoCloud Globe From Cultural Roots to Fusion EthnoCloud Listening
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Based on an idea by Luigi Panico (, Vudabliu Empi (VWMP - Virtual World Music Project) was born to bring together different cultures through various musical instruments and to let them play in harmony. On this foundation, musicians from different countries (Mali, Italy, Syria) found a common spirit and will, and created great music together. By listening to each track, you can hear the influence of every single country involved in the project. This music goes beyond categories: listen to it and write your own history.

CREDITS: Vela by L. Panico - P. Cassiano
Acoustic guitar, Tiple: L. Panico
Synth: Giovanni Amighetti
Percussions: Z. B. Nsongan (Tatè)
Vocals: P. Cassiano, Z. B. Nsongan (Tatè)
Acoustic Bass: Maurizio Accoto
Electric Bass: P. Di Francesco (Guest)

Mapubi by Z. B. Nsongan (Tatè) - L. Panico - P. Cassiano
Vocals: Tatè, P. Cassiano
Percussions and Bass: Tatè
Acoustic Guitar: L. Panico
Kora: Nana Cissokho

MANAGEMENT: Simone Renza
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