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Is it that time already.

Aug 7, 2014
Well just finished reading about NDE's how fasinating almost food for songs I would say. Come the fall these bad boys are back at it. Looking forward to a show with the PG Cantatas and The Orchestra, as well as possible gigs at the Canada Winter Games. Who knows what will happen_life is full of surprises.

Summer Time

Jul 26, 2014
Summer Time Hi Folks, Alba are down for the summer. No festivals .No concerts. Nothing and its great. Looking forward to the upcoming fall, winter,spring season. It will be great. And with the Canada Winter Games coming to our locale...watch this space.
A band of Canadian immigrants from Scotland, Ireland, and the USA, Alba, has been on the road for over 20 years. The members of Alba are seasoned musicians whose music is a mix of traditional and modern and has combined in spectacularly successful shows featuring their compositions with the Prince George Symphony Orchestra, the Cantata Singers, and the Watt Irish Dancers in a series of shows and tours. They have produced three CDs and have one in the making, which is live with the Orchestra. Alba's influences are many and varied, from traditional Irish and Scottish music to the Rolling Stones and many current modern artists—too many to mention.
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