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Monk Party
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September 2023 #9 - Top 40 for Indian & South Asian Influence Imagination (track)
August 2023 #21 - Top 40 for Indian & South Asian Influence Imagination (track)
March 2023 #39 - Top 40 for Indian & South Asian Influence Imagination (track)
New Zealand
New Zealand
New Zealand
New Zealand
New Zealand
New Zealand
Silence Flooded Trance Album Review Review By Grahak Cunningham. Monk Party has just released Silence Flooded Trance . Made up of father and son duo, Pragunya and Nelson Myers-Daly their influences include the kirtan devotional music scene, ancient Indian mantras, Moroccan and middle eastern music plus a wide range of world and spiritual music genres. The melodies of Sri Chinmo...
Photo by: Monk Party
About: Oneness with the Infinite
Photo by: Monk Party
About: Satisfaction-Delight
Photo by: Monk Party
About: Param Pitare - Flute
Photo by: Monk Party
About: Australia Songs of the Soul
Photo by: Monk Party
About: Songs of the Soul Tour
Photo by: Monk Party
About: Live
Pragunya and Nelson's lifestyles can be likened to that of urban monks in the modern Western world, as they share some similarities in their spiritual practice with those monks, seers, and sages of the East.

Here, they are of the world and for the world, immersed in its activities and day-to-day hustle and bustle.

Pragunya and Nelson are ever so fortunate to meditate under the guidance of their spiritual teacher, Sri Chinmoy, whose ceaseless fount of inspiration enriches their lives with happiness, peace, and purpose: the soul's purpose.

A few things Sri Chinmoy encourages his students to do on a daily basis to help them along their life’s journey are:

To listen to, sing, and play soulful music to elevate and purify their consciousness.

Eat a nutrient-dense vegetarian diet to create peace, poise, and purity in the body.

They run daily or perform similar exercises to create a healthy body-temple, surcharging it with dynamism and energy, and meditate twice daily in the morning and evening to create peace in the mind and an expansion of the heart: the spiritual heart.

This is their humble journey as they share enthusiasm for music and the spiritual life.

They have been extremely fortunate to be able to perform in North America, Europe, Australasia, and perform regularly at events including world/spiritual festivals, yoga classes, meditation workshops, private functions, and they also put on their own concerts.

"Divine music is the music of the aspiring heart, illumining soul, awakening body, expanding vital, and dreaming mind" – Sri Chinmoy
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