Jedan od najstarijih horova u Srbiji, osnovan je 1887. godine u Aleksincu. Na repertoaru ima svetovnu i duhovnu muziku, dobitnik je mnogih priznanja i nagrada.
Lične informacije
Hor je osnovan na Sretenje, 02. februara 1887. (po starom kalendaru), na desetogodišnjicu bitke na Šumatovcu, pod nazivom "Aleksinačka pevačka družina-Šumatovac", na inicijativu entuzijasta i zaljubljenika u muziku. Kontinuitet rada hora je u više navrata bio prekidan, a poslednji put obnovljen 2005. godine i od tada uspešno nastavlja sa radom.
Lični interesi
Hor ima na repertoaru prvenstveno svetovnu, ali i duhovnu muziku domaćih i stranih autora, kao i prerade komercijalnih kompozicija uz instrumentalnu pratnju, a i kompozicije posvećene njima koje oni sa ponosom izvode na svojim koncertima. Čine ga pevači amateri i entuzijasti, ljudi različitih profesionalnih orijentacija, ali istinski zaljubljenici u horsku muziku. Hor je pobednik 1. Festivala pravoslavne muzike održanog u Nišu 2008. godine u okviru 22. Internacionalnih horskih svečanosti (Nagrada za izvođenje pravoslavne muzike). Od ponovnog aktiviranja hora, horom diriguje dipl. muzičar Marija Stanković. Početkom 2010. godine dirigentsku palicu preuzima dipl. muzičar Milica Stanković i horom rukovodi do avgusta meseca iste godine. Od 01.11.2010. godine horom rukovodi Živorad Milosavljević-Žiža. Od februara meseca 2012. hor preuzima mag. Milena Injac, dirigent i profesor na Fakultetu muzičke umetnosti u Nišu. Od maja 2015. horom diriguje dr Marina Gavrilović.
One of the oldest choirs in Serbia, founded in 1887 in Aleksinac. Its repertoire includes secular and spiritual music, and it is the winner of many awards and prizes.
Personal Information
The choir was founded on the Presentation, 02 February 1887 (by the Julian calendar), on the tenth anniversary of the battle of Šumatovac, under the name "Aleksinačka pevačka družina-Šumatovac", at the initiative of enthusiasts and lovers of music. The continuity of the choir has been interrupted several times, and it was last renewed in 2005 and has since then successfully continued its operations.
Personal Interests
The choir's repertoire primarily includes secular, as well as spiritual music by local and foreign authors, along with arrangements of commercial compositions with instrumental accompaniment, and compositions dedicated to them, which they proudly perform at their concerts. It consists of amateur singers and enthusiasts, people of different professional orientations, but all are true lovers of choral music. The choir was the winner of the 1st Festival of Orthodox Music held in Niš in 2008 within the framework of the 22nd International Choral Festivities (Award for the performance of Orthodox music). Since its reactivation, the choir has been conducted by dipl. muzičar Marija Stanković. At the beginning of 2010, the baton was taken over by dipl. muzičar Milica Stanković, who managed the choir until August of the same year. From 01.11.2010, the choir has been managed by Živorad Milosavljević-Žiža. Since February 2012, the choir has been taken over by Mag. Milena Injac, conductor and professor at the Faculty of Music Arts in Niš. Since May 2015, the choir has been conducted by Dr. Marina Gavrilović.
Lične informacije
Hor je osnovan na Sretenje, 02. februara 1887. (po starom kalendaru), na desetogodišnjicu bitke na Šumatovcu, pod nazivom "Aleksinačka pevačka družina-Šumatovac", na inicijativu entuzijasta i zaljubljenika u muziku. Kontinuitet rada hora je u više navrata bio prekidan, a poslednji put obnovljen 2005. godine i od tada uspešno nastavlja sa radom.
Lični interesi
Hor ima na repertoaru prvenstveno svetovnu, ali i duhovnu muziku domaćih i stranih autora, kao i prerade komercijalnih kompozicija uz instrumentalnu pratnju, a i kompozicije posvećene njima koje oni sa ponosom izvode na svojim koncertima. Čine ga pevači amateri i entuzijasti, ljudi različitih profesionalnih orijentacija, ali istinski zaljubljenici u horsku muziku. Hor je pobednik 1. Festivala pravoslavne muzike održanog u Nišu 2008. godine u okviru 22. Internacionalnih horskih svečanosti (Nagrada za izvođenje pravoslavne muzike). Od ponovnog aktiviranja hora, horom diriguje dipl. muzičar Marija Stanković. Početkom 2010. godine dirigentsku palicu preuzima dipl. muzičar Milica Stanković i horom rukovodi do avgusta meseca iste godine. Od 01.11.2010. godine horom rukovodi Živorad Milosavljević-Žiža. Od februara meseca 2012. hor preuzima mag. Milena Injac, dirigent i profesor na Fakultetu muzičke umetnosti u Nišu. Od maja 2015. horom diriguje dr Marina Gavrilović.
One of the oldest choirs in Serbia, founded in 1887 in Aleksinac. Its repertoire includes secular and spiritual music, and it is the winner of many awards and prizes.
Personal Information
The choir was founded on the Presentation, 02 February 1887 (by the Julian calendar), on the tenth anniversary of the battle of Šumatovac, under the name "Aleksinačka pevačka družina-Šumatovac", at the initiative of enthusiasts and lovers of music. The continuity of the choir has been interrupted several times, and it was last renewed in 2005 and has since then successfully continued its operations.
Personal Interests
The choir's repertoire primarily includes secular, as well as spiritual music by local and foreign authors, along with arrangements of commercial compositions with instrumental accompaniment, and compositions dedicated to them, which they proudly perform at their concerts. It consists of amateur singers and enthusiasts, people of different professional orientations, but all are true lovers of choral music. The choir was the winner of the 1st Festival of Orthodox Music held in Niš in 2008 within the framework of the 22nd International Choral Festivities (Award for the performance of Orthodox music). Since its reactivation, the choir has been conducted by dipl. muzičar Marija Stanković. At the beginning of 2010, the baton was taken over by dipl. muzičar Milica Stanković, who managed the choir until August of the same year. From 01.11.2010, the choir has been managed by Živorad Milosavljević-Žiža. Since February 2012, the choir has been taken over by Mag. Milena Injac, conductor and professor at the Faculty of Music Arts in Niš. Since May 2015, the choir has been conducted by Dr. Marina Gavrilović.