The musical ensemble Majara, led by double bassist Giuseppe “Pippi” Dimonte, is the meeting among different musical heritages, overstepping the traditional style and genre classifications. With this new project, Mediterranean timbres meet Western classical music, enriching themselves with sounds coming from various cultures, from the Balkans to Brazil, passing through Arabian, Andalusian, and traditional Italian popular music, with strong North European jazz influences. All the original compositions are a timeless journey without strict genre labels, rich in both cultured and popular music. The pieces get their strength from the primordial and acoustic sound of the instruments together with the energy and the sensitivity of the musicians.
Line up:
Giuseppe 'Pippi' Dimonte – double bass
Francesco Paolino – classical guitar, mandola
Mario Brucato – clarinet, bass clarinet
Emiliano Alessandrini – pandeiro
Line up:
Giuseppe 'Pippi' Dimonte – double bass
Francesco Paolino – classical guitar, mandola
Mario Brucato – clarinet, bass clarinet
Emiliano Alessandrini – pandeiro