A Platform for Ethnically and Culturally Inspired Music
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September 2024 #36 - Top 40 for Jewish Influence Diabełek (track)
August 2024 #38 - Top 40 for Jewish Influence Diabełek (track)
July 2024 #37 - Top 40 for Jewish Influence Diabełek (track)
Katarzyna Jackowska-Enemuo

Born on the Baltic coast, a cultural anthropologist by education, a nomadic musician by nature.

Since 1998, she has been learning and performing ethnic and medieval music of Europe. She has learned singing from the best masters, both school-trained and folk ones.

Since 2000, she has sung with the “Schola Węgajty” as a soloist in liturgical dramas and concerts of early music.

She has traveled extensively in search of live music and ancient traditions in the rural areas of Poland, Ukraine, Hungary, Moldavia, and Sardinia.

She is a founding member, singer, accordionist, and songwriter of the “Kapela Jazgodki” – the only Polish folk music band that, as a rule, performs in the kitchen – as well as of the “Bocadorada,” a unique Polish-Andalusian fusion co-project.

She looks for the traces of people’s feasting traditions. She gathers, sings, and plays traditional and medieval songs, ballads, and dances but also makes words and music of her own. She leads workshops on traditional dances and songs, on voice opening, and singing with the natural voice both for children and adults, as well as classes and workshops on cultural diversity and folk traditions from various European regions for children, adults, teachers, and culture workers. In her music-making and storytelling, she focuses on the traditions of the nomadic people of Europe and the Mediterranean: Gypsies, Sephardi, travelers, wandering musicians, and scholars...

She learns the art of storytelling and, since 2008, has been telling folk tales, legends, true and invented stories at various events and storytelling festivals across Poland.

She works on a wide range of long-term social projects concerning intercultural dialogue and cultural education.

For more details, look as well:

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