EthnoCloud Globe From Cultural Roots to Fusion EthnoCloud Listening
In-Fadus is one unique project in Portugal, where for the first time Fado is played and sung with unique characteristics. In-Fadus was created and designed to be performed with the best Portuguese voices of Fado, as well as musicians who share this national project, making known to the world how Fado can be played from its origins, its fusions, to the contemporary. And for the first time, In-Fadus integrates musicians and voices coming from other cultures, highlighting the choirs and their choreography, bringing cultural values involved on stage in each event. In-Fadus touches on unpublished scenarios where audiovisual production, proper lighting, and business partnerships of "Haute Couture" represented by the singer in themes running during the performance, are added. We have also integrated multimedia projections during the show. In-Fadus is a musical project to be shared with professionals in the field of events, conferences, museums, fashion shows, openings/galleries, perfume launches and car brands, palaces, castles, public squares, among many others.

Thank you and best regards... bless you all.
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