EthnoCloud Globe From Cultural Roots to Fusion EthnoCloud Listening
Studio-Globe" is an African/African-related music program for CentraalFM and Radio 9 in the Netherlands. It's a twice-a-week, one-hour program with all kinds of African/African-related music.

Artists who would love to have their music in this program have to send a promotional copy, although we are not using digital releases.

The format of the program is four artists/groups with three tracks, including information. The music we bring is not only for label-related artists. Independently produced releases are very welcome too.

Besides making this program as a 100% volunteer for the two stations, I also try to help with things I can manage. However, don't ask me to be a manager or booking agent, as I don't have time for that.

Kind regards,
Ruud Siebons

Contact me at
Personal Website