EthnoCloud Globe From Cultural Roots to Fusion EthnoCloud Listening
Harriet Bennish
United States
United States
Tears, Joy, and Hope: Yiddish Songs Written in the Jewish Ghetto, created and performed by Harriet Bennish, is a unique musical performance that is both educational and entertaining. It brings to life the words and music written by the Jewish composers and poets who endured life in the Jewish ghettos. The creators mostly perished, but their music lives on.

Harriet will be performing this haunting blend of music, photographs, and well-researched history at Congregation Beth Shalom in Wilmington, DE, on Sunday, March 31, 2019, at 3:00 PM. If you feel that your organization may be interested in including this presentation in your upcoming programming, then I would like to invite you to attend. The concert is free of charge, but due to limited seating and security concerns, you do need to register at 302-654-4462.

I would be happy to send you a media kit by email or to answer any questions you may have. You may reach me, Harriet Bennish, at 562-621-9734. You may also listen to samples of the songs in this concert by going to
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