EthnoCloud Globe From Cultural Roots to Fusion EthnoCloud Listening
Working since 1994, Gallina Negra (Black Hen) is a group that surprises with the originality and expressive quality of its work. Without defined stereotypes, the group creates a vanguard in its region by taking advantage of elements from any musical genre; thus, their sounds, which depart from the structures of Mexican folk music, are connected with jazz, classical music, rock, and world music, recreating a rich fusion that they name eclectic sones. Thanks to their study and research of Mexican folk music, which, in combination with their experience in classical and popular genres, they have created works that stand out from the productions that abound in the musical world. Proof of this is the versatility to incorporate traditional instruments like the violin, ocarinas, reed flutes, vihuela, bajo quinto, teponaztle, marimba, etc., with electric and electronic instruments.
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