EthnoCloud Globe From Cultural Roots to Fusion EthnoCloud Listening
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3 times in the Global Top 40
May 2024 #8 - Global Top 40 Atonkoumou Mengbwa Remix (track)
April 2024 #4 - Global Top 40 Atonkoumou Mengbwa Remix (track)
August 2021 #38 - Global Top 40 Ma Folo Mon (track)
Need your listen and collaborations... Chères et chèrs amis Fans et musiciens... JE TIENS À VOUS DIRE MERCI et vous prie de bien vouloir écouter ma chanson et si elle vous plaît de la partager, ou la diffuser...
Pour vous dire, je suis François Essindi le musicien percussionniste, comédien et conteur camerounais. J'ai perdu Manu Dibango, mon chef d' orchestre avec qui je joua...
Percussionniste vertigineux et compositeur prolifique, François Essindi Abakuya invente un univers musical personnel Percussionniste vertigineux et compositeur prolifique, François Essindi Abakuya invente un univers musical personnel, (la « Tag Ekang Music Expériences... ») et vibrant qui, tant sur le fond que sur la forme, redonne tout son sens à deux mots: Liberté et Ancêtres. L’engagement par et dans la musique : telle est la ligne directrice de ses créatio...
Friends, fans, brothers, sisters, friends and acquaintances ...  Make a difference.  Let me participate in this platform with my new project ... Minsili  Just by voting on this link: Friends, fans, brothers, sisters, friends and acquaintances ... Make a difference. Let me participate in this platform with my new project ... Minsili Just by voting on this link:
Our work, our proposal, the instruments that we use ... The nkul or call tam tam (a hollow wooden ball with two sides (lips) and two main tones (low tone and high tone ...)  The Ngomo Player. The Bells. The crazy Mvet (by myself) The big calling drum (un gros tam tam d'appel) The MOTHER NKUL The Mvet instrument. Only the player initiated sits above ...  Proposed...
Our work, our proposal, the instruments that we use ... I will present here a brief discussion of this work, in the hope that this information serves. François Essindi is a multidisciplinary artist, traditionally formed the practice of traditional stringed instruments, and percussion. Percussion side, it offers introductory workshops instruments and rhythm. Instruments: The nkul or call t...
About: François Essindi Abakuya
About: De l'air...
About: De l'air...
About: Tag Ekang
About: Hommage aux ancêtres concert renvoyé au mois de juin 2021
About: Le train arrive
Percussionniste vertigineux et compositeur prolifique, François Essindi Abakuya invente un univers musical personnel, la « Tag Ekang Music Expérience... » et vibrant qui, tant sur le fond que sur la forme, redonne tout son sens à deux mots : Liberté et Ancêtres. L'engagement par et dans la musique : telle est la ligne directrice de ses créations qui ne cessent d'être un appel aux artistes, non artistes et à tous ceux qui travaillent autour et dans le monde du spectacle (mixeurs, arrangeurs, programmateurs, musiciens, remixeurs, instrumentistes...). François Essindi surprend par son originalité et l'authenticité de son appel à contribution...
François Essindi a été récompensé par ses ancêtres... L'artiste vide son répertoire et invite officiellement d'autres artistes à intervenir dans ce répertoire pour une production plus élaborée. Comme une bouteille à la mer, le CD « Tag Ekang Music Expérience... » est un appel officiel à participation au plus grand nombre. Sans attendre les coups de cœur, les nominations, les victoires et les prix des musiques des Music Awards... François Essindi Abakuya croit au travail, à la foi et à la collaboration, car « Un autre monde est possible ».
L'artiste dit rester à l'écoute pour une suite favorable à son appel...
Le lien d'écoute du CD « Tag Ekang Music Expérience... » :
- Apple Music:ériences-instrumental/1577945872
- Deezer:
- Spotify:
- Amazon Music:

François Essindi is an artist and a musician from Cameroon.

He plays traditional wind, skin-stretched, stringed, and body-activated instruments such as:

Stringed: Mvet, Ngomo (traditional harps)

Wind: Pygmy flute, leaves, mouth-activated bow

Drums: Nkul (calling drum), Ngom (long drum), Djembe, Cajon...

Body percussion: snail-shell and hazelnut, body drumming

Educated at the National Orchestra of Cameroon and thanks to many trainings and cultural meetings, François is also an actor and followed many educational sessions via the Goethe Institut in Yaoundé and the French Cultural Centre in Yaoundé.

A professional actor, François played with several theatre companies in Cameroon. Among others, he shared a long adventure along with the Eyala Pena company, a road theatre company. He also shared a project together with the Un-Excursus theatre company, from Montrouge, France.

François Essindi is a current member of the ALEPH theatre company in Ivry-sur-Seine, France.

François as a musician:

François, music-wise, works with different artists from various backgrounds, works with dance and theatre companies as an actor or music composer.

He composes or cooperates on movies as an actor, composer, or co-author. He works with and upon traditional music instruments that are on the verge of extinction and which he handcrafts himself in Paris, sometimes modifying their original shape. He defines his music as "The Tag Ekang Music Experience": bringing together on stage instruments, sounds, machines, and musicians from all backgrounds.

François performs in schools, penitentiaries, in concert in cultural places for festivals, and in the corridors of the Parisian metro, as a certified artist of the Parisian metro since 2009.

François as an artist:

Author and composer, his prime music project Otoulbaka: representing Cameroon in various places and festivals between 1980 and 2001.

In 2003, François signed a professional contract in France that took him to Paris, where he is currently living.

A former actor with the Compagnie du Théâtre Inutile in Amiens, François keeps alive his dream to promote his culture through traditional instruments, tales, stories, and rituals of his native Ekang culture.

In 2005, he designed the musical project Abakuya thanks to a meeting in Switzerland with an Australian bass player (Jimi SOFO):

This project will breed two records:

- Primitive Love in 2008.
- Abakuya EP in 2010

François works on different projects with many artists (painters, musicians, performers, etc.)

Such as Brice WASSY (Cameroon), MADESHEERKAHN (France), Caroline CHIVE (France), Hilaire PENDA (Cameroon), Riad ABDELGAWAD (Egypt), Florence SOISSONG... and many more.

François also directs workshops on rhythm for the ALEPH theatre since 2016, on African storytelling, and on drama teaching.

François as an author:

Having authored four bilingual, illustrated books of African tales, published by L'HARMATTAN, François works on collecting tales, rituals, songs, and stories of his native Ekang culture in southern Cameroon.

He considers building there a cultural place thanks to the support of the AKIBA association,

François as an instrument maker:

Concerned about the survival of instruments from his native Ekang culture, François handcrafts in Paris their instruments (Mvet, Ngomo, Mouth-bow). He also repairs skin-stretched instruments (changing skins, maintenance of all these instruments such as Djembé and others).
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