A Platform for Ethnically and Culturally Inspired Music
About: 5th international Inter- and Sociocultural Africa Festival 1000 Drums, August 26th/27th, 2023 in Leipzig / F.R.G.
About: 5th international Inter- and Sociocultural Africa Festival 1000 Drums, August 26th/27th, 2023 in Leipzig / F.R.G.
The Youth Integration—Livelihood Improvement Project (Y.I.L.P.), a registered organization benefiting the public good, is a West-African Diaspora association. It comprises young people from The Gambia and Senegal, West Africa, Germany, and other nations. The main concern of our association is, on the one hand, to promote understanding and cooperation between cultures, and on the other hand, to provide practical help and support to both people in Africa and immigrants living here in Germany.

The purpose of YILP International e.V. (according to its articles of association) is:
— Support for children, adolescents, and young adults in need from and in The Gambia,
— Promotion of education, training, and development cooperation,
— Supporting refugees according to the Geneva Convention (politically, ethnically, or religiously persecuted, displaced persons, repatriates and late repatriates, war victims, civilian victims), disabled people, and victims of crime,
— Promotion of the memory of the persecuted, victims of war and disaster,
— Promoting the search service for missing persons,
— The procurement, distribution, and monitoring of the use of funds to promote education and training in development cooperation,
— The promotion of culture and art.

The association is committed to the consistent implementation of the rights of children and adolescents in The Gambia in order to enable a sustainable improvement of living conditions there. In particular, development obstacles and crimes such as genital mutilation, forced marriage of children, child pregnancies, prostitution, and drug abuse should be stopped, and access to education and health care should be made possible.

Our annual cultural projects also include the International Inter- and Sociocultural Africa Festival 1000 Drums in Leipzig (established in 2019), the musical yields of which we would like to present to anyone interested on this profile.


Cf. also https://www.yilp.de (small older, main homepage)
Cf. also https://www.soundcloud.com/yilp
Cf. also https://www.gofundme.com/gamkids
Cf. also https://tinyurl.com/yilp-spende for donations to our organization benefiting the public good


Cf. https://www.un.org/en/about-us/universal-declaration-of-human-rights

Cf. https://www.unicef.org/child-rights-convention
Personal Website