A Platform for Ethnically and Culturally Inspired Music
About "Alie Sike (Small Island Mix) - Small Island Big Song Ft' Ben Hakalitz & Koyawa"
10. ALIE SIKE (Small Island mix)

For our mangroves
Mangroves are one of the Earth’s most precious but maligned environments. Koyawa sings and dances, celebrating his mangrove coastline. Mangroves capture twice to four times as much CO2 per sq. m than any other environment.

English title – I’m looking for my bride price
Composer & Lyrics – Ben Hakalitz & Koyawa
Language – Selau Bougainville
Nature sound – Mangroves, Buka island, Bougainville.

Featured Artists –
Ben Hakalitz - Selau - Bougainville - Kundus
Koyawa – Selau - Bougainville - Vocals
The Yumi Yet Bamboo Band - Haku - Bougainville – Monoka (bamboo band)

With –
Sammy Samoela – Merina - Madagascar - Valiha & Jejy
Airileke – Motu – Papua New Guinea – Kundu’s & Shaker
Arthur Borman – Bidayuh – Sarawak, Malaysia – Pratuokng
Markhum Galut – Wampar - Papua New Guinea – Kundu & Susap
Richard Mogu – Motu - Papua New Guinea - Kwakumba
Ado Kalitang Pacidal – Pangcah - Taiwan – Vocals
Mauravann (Sega)– Mauritius – Ravanne, Triangle & Maravann
Morondava Veggie Spruiker – Vezo - Madagascar
Noels Prian - Vezo - Madagascar – Kabosy
Tommy Billy - Warraber Island - Zenadth Kes/Torres Strait Australia – Calls

Alie sike ponlan gamu paio Ekana to tsuwana tara naboen *2
Alia titawol alie e witul wakapa *2
Esuun a wan ekana to tsuwana tara naboen *2
Alia titawol alie witul wakapa

I'm looking for that traditional special beads. It's based at the Tsuana of the Noboen clan *2
My chief woman is already married *2
She is based at Tsuana of the Naboen clan *2
She is already married.

*Tsuana – Tsuana is the traditional mans meetinghouse where the chiefs meet.

Recorded and produced in the field, from the grass roots up. Small Island Big Song is independently owned & managed - A living album, an oceanic songline.

Made possible by
Australia council for the Arts, Winston Churchill Trust, Asialink, Ian Potter Cultural Trust, Creative Victoria, Arts NT, National Culture and Arts Foundation Taiwan, RØDE Microphones, Crumpler Bags, Peace Boat, 600 crowdfunding backers from Taiwan, the trust of the artists & communities and the love from family & friends.

Profit made from the album
1 Fair Trade - 50% of net profits are distributed to the artists & NGOs.
2 All artists are treated equally on two tiers, feature or session artist.
3 Acknowledging Intangible Cultural Heritage as defined in The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People by giving selected NGOs (by artists’ choice) a share in net profits.

Music Producer/Sound Engineer/Mixer | Tim Cole
Project Producer/Manager | BaoBao Chen
Packaging Design | Paul Chou
Graphic Design | Jenn Da Costa
Photography | BaoBao Chen & Tim Cole
Cinematography | Tim Cole & BaoBao Chen
Album Mastering | Oli Jacobs & Tim Cole at Real World Studios, UK
Artists Quotes & Interviews | Wayne Furlong
Legal Advisor | Eldar Manor Law Office, Israel
Visual Album Post Production | Tim Cole
Website Design | BaoBao Chen
Papers of the CD package | Hand made using local sugarcane wastes and Tapa cloth fibers in Guangxing Paper Mill, Taiwan.
Translators | Pnnay(Pangcah), Sammy Samoela (Malagasy/Betileo/Merina), Jean Niriko Makozy (Vezo), Gulo Tulo (Selau)

Full thank you list, artist notes, interactive songs’ journeys, photos, videos and stories on our website.