A Platform for Ethnically and Culturally Inspired Music
About "Dans la ruelle derrière chez moi!"
Piano, arrangement and accompaniment; Olivier Salazar
This song was "inspired" by the noisy and unpleasant renovictions happening (still) right behind my apartment. The new apartments will be very nice but also very expensive, much too costly for the neighbourhood and the original tenants, one who was living there independently and autonomously at the age of 92. Cette chanson fut "inspirée" par de très bruyants et désagréables "rénovictions" derriere chez moi. Les appartements rénovés seront très beaux mais aussi très dispendieux, hors prix pour le quartier et les anciens locataires, l'un d'eux, une femme de 92 and autonome et indépendante. Vive le progrès?