A Platform for Ethnically and Culturally Inspired Music
About "Pelimanni"
Pala sai alostusõ Viljandih ansamblitunni jaost ummi pallo kokko tuvvõh. Ku tõsõ’ pillimehe’ üteh nõnamiis Talsi Villuga’ śood viisi kuuldsõ’, nimet´ peräminõ taa õkva soomeligu olõki peräst „Pelimannist“ ja nädäli peräst sai’ soomlasõst sõbra sõbralt ka sõna’. Laul kõnõlõs tollõst, kuis pini’ haukva’, kassi’ ńaugva’, küläpaaba’ haśkatasõ’, a ma’ saa tuulõ kaemalda’ uma armsamaga’ hämäräh kokko.
This tune unfolded when bringing up music to an ensemble lesson in Viljandi. When other musicians together with the tutor Villu Talsi heard the melody, the latter gave the name „Pelimanni“ to it straight away because of its Finnish nature. A week later a friend of a friend came up with a Finnish text that says: dogs bark, cats mew and old women in the village gossip, but I don’t care, I’ll still go and meet my dearest at dusk.
This tune unfolded when bringing up music to an ensemble lesson in Viljandi. When other musicians together with the tutor Villu Talsi heard the melody, the latter gave the name „Pelimanni“ to it straight away because of its Finnish nature. A week later a friend of a friend came up with a Finnish text that says: dogs bark, cats mew and old women in the village gossip, but I don’t care, I’ll still go and meet my dearest at dusk.