A Platform for Ethnically and Culturally Inspired Music
About "Subbota"
Setomaal pall´o tandsidu’ tandsolugu sai Kiiora pille pääl hoobis vahtsõmbaaolidsõ kõla, kuna muusigu’ omma’ õks 21. sa´andi inemise’ ja tahes-tahtmalda’ toova’ hindäga’ muust muusikast vahtsit helüsit üteh. Kokko jääs taast õhku üts kimmäs ni kodonõ puulpühä tunnõh!

When Kiiora undertook playing the famous dance tune, its sound took a more modern turn. The musicians are nevertheless people of the 21st century and can’t help bringing along influences from other styles. We hope to have captured the cozy feeling of a Saturday evening!