A Platform for Ethnically and Culturally Inspired Music
About "Kaha"
Kaha means strength in Maori the first language of Aotearoa New Zealand..
1.E piki ana tō mātou kaha.
As we gather our strength.
2.Kia mau ki tō Māoritanga.
Hold firm your identity.
1.Kia mau ki tō Māoritanga.
Hold firm your identity.
2.Kei horoia tō tuhi māreikura.
Lest you lose your nobility.
3.Me uaua ka kite i a Tamaroto
It is a difficult task, discovering your true innerman
4. Hāpaitia te aho a tō Tupuna
Hold fast to the line of your ancestor.
1.Kia mau ki te kupu a ō Mātua.
Hold fast to the words of your Parents.
2. Takina kia ora, hei ngaa raa ki tua
Recite them, so that they survive into the future.
3.Taka-hiia te ara e tau nei
Enjoy the journey and what you find.
4.Whāngai-hiaa ēnei taonga ki te katoa.
Share your gifts with all cultures.
1.He kokoranga ranga ngaakau tangata
The heart of everyman, it aches.
2.Tā te wairua tangata, he mata-popore.
And the spirit of everyman, it cherishes
3.He kōiwi tangata, he kōpū-tahi.
All of mankind is related.
4.Tū-nui ki te pō, whitia mai ki te ao.
No matter whether the moon is full, or if the sun is shinning.
1.E piki ana tō mātou kaha.
As we gather our strength.
2.Kia mau ki tō Māoritanga.
Hold firm your identity.
1.Kia mau ki tō Māoritanga.
Hold firm your identity.
2.Kei horoia tō tuhi māreikura.
Lest you lose your nobility.
3.Me uaua ka kite i a Tamaroto
It is a difficult task, discovering your true innerman
4. Hāpaitia te aho a tō Tupuna
Hold fast to the line of your ancestor.
1.Kia mau ki te kupu a ō Mātua.
Hold fast to the words of your Parents.
2. Takina kia ora, hei ngaa raa ki tua
Recite them, so that they survive into the future.
3.Taka-hiia te ara e tau nei
Enjoy the journey and what you find.
4.Whāngai-hiaa ēnei taonga ki te katoa.
Share your gifts with all cultures.
1.He kokoranga ranga ngaakau tangata
The heart of everyman, it aches.
2.Tā te wairua tangata, he mata-popore.
And the spirit of everyman, it cherishes
3.He kōiwi tangata, he kōpū-tahi.
All of mankind is related.
4.Tū-nui ki te pō, whitia mai ki te ao.
No matter whether the moon is full, or if the sun is shinning.