A Platform for Ethnically and Culturally Inspired Music

Mauri new album release

Dec 13, 2018
Mauri is the highly-anticipated second album from singer-songwriter, lead guitarist Riqi Harawira.

Passion is the fire that lights the way with Riqi embracing the importance and uniqueness of both his Maori and Pakeha roots and the gravity of restoring his Mauri in this adventurous odyssey of music.

Riqis sound is Maori fusion. Upbeat, bilingual, reggae and rock music. A blend of Maori indigineous instruments and Maori weaponary.
His kaupapa is about bringing positive change to negative Maori statistics through his music, embracing unity and understanding between all cultures.

With the support of Waatea Music, Riqi is now able to share his journey through his music. The album Mauri is available on Spotify , Apple music and iTunes 
Jan 17th 2019. 

Kia ora the first single/video is out now Dec 14th 2018, 
followed by Wairua Tuturu Jan 17th 2019.

Riqis partner Flossie Drake works as an advocate for Safe menSafe womanSafe families and the Its not OK campaign MASsive (men against sexual violence). This is a frontline approach, working with victims of domestic and sexual violence in our communities. As part of the Safe Men, Safe Women, Safe Families approach our mission is to encourage Victims and abusers to start the healing process with the support of others who have made the choice to live Violence free lives.

First step to healing is 'Uncover,Discover, Recover'.

We run community programs and have advocates on call 24/7. SMSWSF is a non profit, private organisation. WE interact and work with It,s not OK anti violence campaign,Womens refuge, MASsive, CYFS /Oranga Tamariki, WINZ White Ribbon and many other Government and NonGovernment agencies. 

Both Riqi and Floss combine their creative lives and their personl experiences surviving violence and abuse by working together on many positive community driven projects. The Kaupapa is always about the people and positive change we can create in or communities.

New video Kia ora