A Platform for Ethnically and Culturally Inspired Music
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5 times in the Global Top 40
May 2024 #22 - Global Top 40 Coyoualli (track)
April 2024 #23 - Global Top 40 Coyoualli (track)
March 2024 #5 - Global Top 40 Coyoualli (track)
4 times in the Global Top 40
1 time in the Global Top 40
MUVA is an immersive, multi-sensory experience: with its world music of cinematic aesthetics, it takes us to places visited only in dreams; and through visual arts, invites us to travel as far as our imagination allows.
MUVA is an allegory of movement, of the synergy between sensations, experiences, and memories.

On stage, MUVA is also a visual concert, which plays with cinematographic images alluding to each particular theme and interacts directly with the music, leading the viewer not only to hear a concert but to live an experience.

Cinematic music is conceptually arranged to enhance and frame emotions at specific moments within a movie scene as a soundtrack and, in this case, to frame images and scenes of our lives.

In MUVA, elements that rarely come together coexist. Sometimes you can find passages of classical music interacting with tribal or pre-Hispanic percussion, or elements of electronic music interacting with jazz improvisations and powerful guitars, characteristic of rock music.
MUVA is an experience, a concept that has no protocols.
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