I am a 75-year-old health nut and environmentalist, advocate for the homeless, incarcerated, ill, nature, etc. I run a home for five homeless people, helping them to have a quality life and seek good news to spread, and it sounds like you’re good news. I see a world in peace, no wars, no pollution, no hunger, no broken families, no homeless; all evil will perish. I love music that gives me goosebumps. Just listen to the song Simon & Garfunkel’s "Sounds of Silence" without the words—awesome. Like Pachelbel’s "Canon." Maybe the best music ever for calming the brain. The Beatles song I sing a lot: "It’s Getting Better." It’s getting better all the time. And pretty soon it’ll be all good. And of course, another Beatles song: "You Are So Beautiful," so beautiful to me. I live in a beautiful place, and I work to make it more beautiful. I want to gather all the world’s homeless and downtrodden to make this world more beautiful. I want to erase certain words from our language like hunger, homeless, sad, anger, etc. Sincerely, Michael Blue Brown. Blue in honor of God making the sky blue because the color blue gives us the brain dopamine. God bless us all.