A Platform for Ethnically and Culturally Inspired Music
About "The Acrobat"
A randomly formed twelve-note row and its inversion are used for melodic ornaments in raga technique. Melodies are formed from the series and inversion, which float spherically over chords formed according to the tone series technique. The accompaniment by strings or percussion instruments with pitches creates a phasing effect by means of quintuplets. The text expresses admiration for the acrobatic skills and enthusiasm of performance artists, while the music itself performs a tightrope act between modern composition and world fusion sounds.
The Acrobat (Lyrics by Diyarisan)
I never thought
I would waste my time
looking at someone
climb a pole
or hang from a rope.
But when I see you,
I have to admit
that it looks
fantastic. I'm sure
it's very strenuous.
I certainly couldn't do it.
But I don't think it's
a job you can do
until 67.

I admire the fact that
you are always smiling.
Your movements are graceful
and you radiate
a great joy.
But when I see you,
I have to admit
that it looks fantastic.
I admire the fact that
you are always smiling.
Your movements are graceful
and you radiate
a great joy.