A Platform for Ethnically and Culturally Inspired Music

Celebrating 20 years of Contre-Jour in Bamako - 04/04/2014

Mar 31, 2014
Celebrating 20 years of Contre-Jour in Bamako - 04/04/2014

Created by Michel Bock, Contre-Jour is a Belgian label management specializing in artistic and cultural world music. Today the label is responsible for the careers of many artists. Among them: Tambours de Brazza, Habib Koité, Foofango, Aly Keita, Gangbé Brass Band, Dobet Gnahoré, Kareyce Fotso ...  On april 4th Contre-Jour celebrates its 20th anniversary in the country where it all began in the presence of Mr Jacques Szalay, Director of CCF Bamako from 1993 to 1998 who did much for getting Malian music recognized throughout the world.

After touring the US and Europe Habib Koité is back in Bamako. In a double concert Kareyce Fotso will perform songs of her new album 'Mokte" and Habib Koité is going to present his new album 'Soô' to his friends and fans in Bamako.