A Platform for Ethnically and Culturally Inspired Music
About "Byzantine"
Byzantine breathes the spicy aroma of eternity, looks with laughing eyes through the colored silks of centuries and years, loudly sings in a chorus of flowery ornaments, drinks the tart and sweet wine of time, Byzantine lives.

And in our show Isidis - The Voice of Forgotten Worlds, this song will become the most poignant part - the last meeting of lovers, before they are forever swallowed up by the sands of time, leaving only the memory of this love.

And the heroine at this moment utters the words “..I will sing your name and it will forever sound in eternity...”

I really want to show you the show as quickly as possible, but we are still finishing off the amazing costumes, finalizing technical aspects and looking for a suitable theatrical venue for the premiere.

In the meantime, you can listen to Byzantine in its entirety in my broadcast today on the channel. And since I always improvise on air, this is how Byzantium will never sound again)

So welcome to watching, here is the link: