A Platform for Ethnically and Culturally Inspired Music
About "Masseria De San Gennaru."
Masseria San Gennaro non è solo un casolare sulla strada che collega Nociglia a Supersano. Questo è il luogo dei ricordi, dei sapori, dei profumi autentici e dei legami affettivi. Per Anna è un filo diretto con la propria infanzia, il supporto sicuro su cui riavvolgere, all’occorrenza, il nastro della vita. In chiave musicale, la porta di questa masseria è la base per ogni buona ripartenza. Non un laccio dunque da cui liberarsi ma un filo su cui stendere profumati indumenti da lavoro e di vita quotidiana, che si tengono assieme gomito a gomito come note musicali, sorrette al centro da un rudimentale puntello in legno per non far cadere a terra l’intero pentagramma. L’architrave su cui poggia quest’opera musicale è realizzata esclusivamente con materiale locale, pietra cavata, sfaccettata e posata a mano; parola dopo parola, nota dopo nota, voce dopo voce. Queste sono dunque le frasi nascoste all’interno del brano, quelle suonate, non solo solo galline, suonati sono i polli, i pollastrelli, gli sgallettati che si pavoneggiano per primeggiare in questo pollaio, metafora della vita. Gonfiano il petto, sognano di volare ma sempre a terra devono razzolare.
Masseria San Gennaro is not just a farmhouse on the road that connects Nociglia to Supersano. This is the place of memories, flavors, authentic scents and emotional bonds. For Anna it is a direct line to her childhood, the safe support on which to rewind, if necessary, the tape of life. In a musical key, the door of this farm is the basis for every good restart. Therefore, not a string from which to free oneself but a thread on which to hang scented work and daily life clothing, which are held together elbow to elbow like musical notes, supported in the center by a rudimentary wooden prop to prevent the product from falling to the ground. entire pentagram. The architrave on which this musical work rests is made exclusively with local material, stone quarried, faceted and laid by hand; word after word, note after note, voice after voice. These are therefore the phrases hidden within the song, the ones played, not just chickens, played are the chickens, the chicks, the ungained ones who strut their stuff to excel in this henhouse, a metaphor for life. They puff out their chests, dream of flying but always have to scratch on the ground.
Masseria San Gennaro is not just a farmhouse on the road that connects Nociglia to Supersano. This is the place of memories, flavors, authentic scents and emotional bonds. For Anna it is a direct line to her childhood, the safe support on which to rewind, if necessary, the tape of life. In a musical key, the door of this farm is the basis for every good restart. Therefore, not a string from which to free oneself but a thread on which to hang scented work and daily life clothing, which are held together elbow to elbow like musical notes, supported in the center by a rudimentary wooden prop to prevent the product from falling to the ground. entire pentagram. The architrave on which this musical work rests is made exclusively with local material, stone quarried, faceted and laid by hand; word after word, note after note, voice after voice. These are therefore the phrases hidden within the song, the ones played, not just chickens, played are the chickens, the chicks, the ungained ones who strut their stuff to excel in this henhouse, a metaphor for life. They puff out their chests, dream of flying but always have to scratch on the ground.