A Platform for Ethnically and Culturally Inspired Music

Back from down under

Jan 28, 2014

Row, row, row da boat up and down the Tassie-land. Things are a bit different down under. Sea o'hoy!Even though the emigration nerve began to tremble when confronted with the Tasmanian sun, we managed to get everyone back from Australia in one piece. Afenginn is back on European soil - 14 shows and some good scandinavian sunburns richer!

Earlier this week we returned from our first trip to Australia and the tour goes straight into top-3 in the Afenginn tour chart - the beautiful landscape, the weather, the friendly and warm people, the great food and the many people to the many shows all adds up. We're very grateful for the amazing response on our music and for everybody making it possible:

Cathy and Andrew from Nomadic Fish, The Crooked Fiddle Band, Cygnet Festival, Illawara Festival, Woohoo Revue, Lolo Lovina, Manana, The Vanishing Shapes, Leroy Lee and all the other people we met on the road. 

Now back in windy Denmark again getting ready for a go at the german autobahn. Not quite as exotic, but nevertheless we love being on the road in Germany!!


Catch us here:

29.1: Trillke Gut, Hildesheim (link to Facebook)

30.1: Brotfabrik, Frankfurt 

31.1: Laboratorium, Stuttgart 

1.2: KIT Bar, Düsseldorf 

3.2: Struwwelpeter, Kronach 

4.2: Societätstheater, Dresden