A Platform for Ethnically and Culturally Inspired Music

Ujjaya : Electro - Shamanic concert in Paris - Tribute to Jorge Reyes

by Ujjaya
Feb 4, 2024
Ujjaya : Electro - Shamanic concert in Paris - Tribute to Jorge Reyes Like every year, Ujjaya will pay tribute to Jorge Reyes, Mexican musician, tutelary figure of the ethno-ambient scene, who died in 2009.
He will be in a shamanico-electronic concert at the Atelier Porte Soleil on Wednesday February 14 from 7:30 p.m. to 8:45 p.m.
In this place dedicated to Huichol art and shamanism, he will play many rare shamanic instruments transmuted by many cosmic effects which will navigate on pads and synthesizer sequences. Exceptionally this year the spotlight will be given, not to pre-Columbian instruments, but to rare African and Oceanian instruments little known to the general public (garamut - iatmul slot drum, atingting - sacred drum from Vanuatu, N'koku - yaka drum , bamileké trunk...etc...)
The synths will include among others: the mininova, the Roland Aira S1.
At the Atelier Porte Soleil 57 rue des Vinaigriers, Paris 10°, M° Gare de L'Est or Jacques Bonsergent.
price: 10€ on site (cash or check)