A Platform for Ethnically and Culturally Inspired Music
Out of Nations is a dream for a future world where people take each other as humans before they see each other as members of a certain nation. Lety, Jonas, Christian, Ayman, Charis, Thomas, and Khalil connected on a musical level before they realized that each one of them carried a different passport.

The melodies were written between NYC, Cairo, Beirut, and Berlin by Lety, a reeds player and composer born to Egyptian and Mexican immigrant parents in suburban America. She and producer Khalil Chahine developed album tracks that each tell part of a global story of music with a modern sound, taking inspiration from their Arab and Latin heritage and the pop, classic, funk, rock, electronic, and jazz artists that were always spinning in the background. Once the band met in the studio, the energy hooked, and together with guest artists from Cairo, Beirut, and Bogotá, they recorded a 9-track album, Out Of Nations.

Live, Out of Nations invites audiences on a journey through tribal-futuristic blends of Funk, Arab, Latin, and Electronic moods — an alternative-world soundtrack to match the visual wonderland they create on stage. Out of Nations breathes new life into familiar genres by playing original, danceable World Music rooted in pop, funk, and jazz.