A Platform for Ethnically and Culturally Inspired Music

Huldreslåt: Nordic Folk music in Argentina?

Nov 23, 2015

Vallfärd och Viljevandring

Huldreslåt is a swedish-argentinian band. Based in Buenos Aires, our group finds its creative inspiration in nature and history of Sweden, particularly the Baltic island of Öland. In May 2015 we released our debut album "Vallfärd och Viljevandring".

The concept of the album is the physical and spiritual journey that transcends borders, and that is evident also in the creative process of the band. Make Nordic music more than 13,000 km away from Sweden is not easy but the musical tradition, customs and culture in general work above all in the subconscious and is a pilgrimage undertaken with desired but without losing sight of the richness of the travel destination in itself :)