Ethnically and Culturally Inspired Music

new roots from South of Italy

Feb 11, 2014

One of Canto Antico's strengths is the versatility of three players who are the core of the band (Francesca Di Ieso, Armando Illario and Francesco Nastasi).

The members of Canto Antico are descendants of the farmers around the Mt. Vesuvius. Before they went to town to study as musicians (even their profession now) and they lived part of their lives working on the field as used in this community. By this way, their fathers and elders transmitted their music and culture they want to preserve. This legacy (heritage) of  the inner soul of peasant communities mixed with classical and academic training creates an unique synergy in the traditional music and an explosion of instrumental virtuosity, a fascinating dialogue between tammorra, strings and brass instruments that you can listen in many parts of this song.