A Platform for Ethnically and Culturally Inspired Music
About "Self Determination"
《《》》NATIVE NARRATIVE artivist symposium《《》》
is a group of Maori artists utilising music as a vehicle to deliver their work. Art with a distinctly Maori kaupapa. A podium for artists to share their art with the music of artist and musician Riqi Harawira.

We have some remarkable artists artists on board who are contributing to this powerful medium and vehicle for promotion of modern Maori artist's with their world view through their art.
With a focus on our core values in Te Ao huri huri as we get to paint our own story on our own terms creating our own rich and compelling narrative.

This is about recognition for the artist's work as well as getting their voice heard promoting Aotearoan artists and Maori values through a powerful music video medium.

Te roopu
Artivist symposium

"Kia mau ki to Maori tanga , kei horoi to tuhi marei kura"
"Embrace your culture and preserve your identity"

Rev Herepo Harawira

Ngā mihi tātou.