A Platform for Ethnically and Culturally Inspired Music
About "Püdsäjüräjidõ Pido"
Jo innidsest aost om Luhamaa nulga inemiisi kutsudu’ püdsäjüräjidõst selle, õt naa’ tei’ mändsestki püdsäst süüki, miä muial Setomaal kombõst olõ-s. Nii ku tah nulgah kirmast peetäs, omgi püdsäjüräjidõ pido. Taa saiõ ka’ Kiiora edimätse tsõõrigu nimest, a pala sündü tśuut ildampa ja sinnä inämp mahu-s.

Literally „apiaceae-chewers’ party“, the people referred to in the title are Setos from Luhamaa nulk, the southernmost area of Setomaa and home of the two brothers of Kiiora. Luhamaa Setos used to make salad out of a certain apiaceae and thus earned their nickname. It is also the title of Kiiora’s debut album onto which the tune itself didn’t make it being born just after the album’s release.