A Platform for Ethnically and Culturally Inspired Music
About "Unnatural Selection"
When man alters the natural variation of genetic evolution by splicing in a competing strain of 4 amino acids to mutate a higher probability of reproduction, the events are unnatural, and unintended events can happen. Stay tuned, it's not over yet.

In my alternate variation of one particular universe, I don't know if it is real, or just a dream. But if it is real, this one's for you, Trevor. Blue is the color, football is the game. We're all together, and winning is our aim. Party on, but don't get above your raising - and keep my flat on Kensington Square tidy, I'll return soon --

Unnatural Selection © 2022 Gary Wayne Clark, all rights reserved.
Music, production, performance, and engineering by Gary Wayne Clark.
Some images licensed from Shutterstock.com